Greetings To Vladimir N. Maslyakova happy New year

#1 Dec. 30, 2012 12:58:52

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Greetings To Vladimir N. Maslyakova happy New year

The congratulation of the head of Federal forestry Agency V. N. Maslyakova happy New year

Dear colleagues! Dear friends!

I congratulate You with one of the most colorful and bright holidays - New year!

The year 2012 has witnessed many significant events and to the forest industry and for the country as a whole.

In the forestry sector continued serious and in General structural transformation, which cannot be overlooked and you should be proud of. This year the subjects of the Russian Federation in practice has felt the results of state support of modernization of the forest fire services and the development of enterprises in the procurement and processing of raw forest seed and planting material. New equipment continues to flow to the regions, the build-up of the Federal reserve of forces and means of fire fighting, commissioned 6 modern forest seed centre. Significant changes carried out in the forestry law, on the basis of bilateral agreements with constituent entities of the Russian Federation implemented regional programs for forestry development, increased funding for the industry, increasing the number of inspectors and forest guards and foresters are other positive processes. During the year, made a great groundwork for the future – adopted the state program "forestry Development" for 2013-2020, jointly with all stakeholders has prepared a draft forest policy of Russia, which will determine the vector of development of the industry in the long term. The discussion of this important strategic document helped to consolidate the forest industry workers and all who are not indifferent to the fate of Russian forests. We are confident that in the new year, this important document will be adopted at the highest state level.

In the past year we noted a significant historic date - the 310th anniversary of the Decree of Peter I, which marked the beginning of state forest management in Russia. But I must say that we not only remember the good old traditions, but create new ones. With broad public participation in 2012 was a whole series of different reforestation, clearing of forests from debris, prevention of forest fires, baby contests, competitions, scientific conferences on problems of forests and much more. We are grateful to all who participated in these noble endeavors for the conservation and preservation of forest wealth of our country.

We realized once again how important mutual support, a planned and well-organized work of all levels of government and public support in the fight against forest fires. Together we managed to resist the elements and to take control of the situation with forest fires, despite the extremely difficult weather conditions.

In 2013, we are facing serious tasks for Informatization of forestry, management of the state forest registry, forest management, forest protection and the development of efficient forest protection.

Our main asset is our people, who sincerely and faithfully ready to serve the common heritage of Russia – the forest. In the new year we will strengthen the status of the Forester, as a public servant, preserving the forest resources of countries with reliable social guarantees and well-deserved respect in society.

Colleagues, each of us is responsible for the conservation and sustainable use of forest resources. Depends on life on Earth, prospects for the forest industry, socio-economic development of the country and welfare of its citizens. Russian foresters always adequately cope with the difficulties and fulfilled their task. This year was no exception.

New year is a family holiday, so I sincerely wish you family happiness and well-being, understanding and harmony. Let your family, your reliable rear, you will always be your source of joy and emotional balance, giving warmth, companionship and love of close people.

Let the work as an integral part of our lives, will encourage You to self-improvement and the opportunity to realize their potential, to fully develop their potential, to realize the most daring projects.

May the coming year be full of our shared victories, he will only unite us stronger for the benefit of the development of the forest industry in the prosperity of the whole of Russia!

Happy New year!

Source: official website of the Federal forestry Agency 29.12.12.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
