The deficit plywood ridge will increase

#1 Dec. 14, 2017 08:12:30

Просто Игорек
Registered: 2017-12-14
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The deficit plywood ridge will increase

On the market there is a shortage of plywood ridge caused by the simultaneous growth of exports, domestic consumption and the lag of the growth rate of the workpiece.

Further growth of export of either keeping it at the current level will slow down the implementation of planned investments, since deficit plywood ridge will intensify and its price to rise. In the event of adverse weather conditions, shortages will cause periodic closures of companies, and social problems in the regions. The outflow for export the most high quality plywood ridge will reduce the production of high-margin high-grade plywood in the Russian Federation, which will lead to budget losses.

Stocks ridge plywood Russian plywood mills are lagging behind the targets and in competition with export prices in the domestic market rises to critical levels.

By the end of 2017 1ПГ average prices plywood ridge on the internal market established at the level of export prices, because Russian consumers have to compete with the sale of raw materials for export. The shortage of plywood raw materials to Russian plants tends to increase with 2PG 2015 there is a significant gap between the stocks of the targets. With the further growth of export of domestic plywood manufacturers will not be able to plan the inventory to adjust the replenishment of the warehouses in the necessary volume that will lead to lower output of finished products.

Current stock levels of raw materials have already reached dangerous levels and in the autumn, periodically stop the inevitable. The main outflow has 1 PG, which disrupted the plans of factories in Russia to build a target inventory "winter" of raw materials, shortage of kompensiruet partly due to the supply of summer harvest. The quality of the summer raw is much worse than "winter", undeveloped road infrastructure, and dependence on the weather limits the ability to harvest and purchase plywood ridge.

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