On the impact of changes to the Forest code of the Russian Federation on economic indicators of work of the logging industry

#1 Dec. 14, 2017 08:28:54

Просто Игорек
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On the impact of changes to the Forest code of the Russian Federation on economic indicators of work of the logging industry

In accordance with paragraph 4 of article 71 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation to contracts of lease of forest land, the provisions provided for by the Civil code of the Russian Federation and land code of the Russian Federation. Paragraphs 26 and 32 of article 81 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation to the functions of the Federal bodies of state authority in the field of forest relations, namely the FFA, include the authority for the design of forestry (forest management) and establish their boundaries (land surveying).

The financing of these powers, accordingly, also applies to the Federal level. Full forest management without these functions not, as for public authorities and tenants of forest plots.

Due to the chronic Federal budget deficit, neither the survey nor the management of the Federal forestry Agency no funding. To ensure continuous forest cover forest plot tenants are forced to carry out these measures at his own expense, which increases the cost of production.

The experience of the enterprises located in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov regions, Republic of Karelia and Krasnoyarsk region shows that the cost of the survey is approximately 5 rubles per 1 m3 of the AAC. These costs are so high, not because of the cost of services for the implementation of this event, but because the forest service has not fulfilled its direct obligations and forest Fund does not have established boundaries. For this reason, companies are forced to spend up to 5 years for approval of the boundaries for registration in Rosreestra.

A similar situation exists with the management, which is essential for continuous forest management. The expenses of enterprises for forest management (field ripening woods, the rest of cameralka), together with the development costs of projects of development of forests is 3.3 rubles per 1 m3 of the AAC. With the full management of all site rental costs increase to 5.9 rubles.

In connection with absence in FFA, reliable information on the state forest Fund by state authorities is biased negative conclusion about forest management in the Russian Federation. The urgent issue is to combat illegal logging. However, the situation in different regions of the Russian Federation on this issue is very different.

On the territory of the European part most of the actors involved in industrial logging in the lease transferred to 80% of the forest Fund. In most cases this responsible forest users. However, measures taken by the Federal forestry Agency for the tightening of forestry, apply to the entire territory of the Russian Federation, resulting in the complex, including market conditions deteriorate, reducing the competitiveness of law-abiding forest users.

Read more: https://proderevo.net/industries/wooden-logging/o-vliyanii-izmenenij-vnosimykh-v-lesnoj-kodeks-rf-na-ekonomicheskie-pokazateli-raboty-lesozagotovitelnoj-promyshlennosti.html
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