Company:  LLC "SEC"

Company information:

Limited Liability Company "Sudislava Pellet Company". The company has been operating since 2018.
The main activity is the production of fuel pellets (pellets) that meet high quality standards. The company has established itself as a reliable supplier and a major manufacturer. Sudislava Pellet Company LLC has an international FSC certificate.

Limited Liability Company "Sudislava Pellet Company". The company has been operating since 2018.
The main activity is the production of fuel pellets (pellets) that meet high quality standards. The company has established itself as a reliable supplier and a major manufacturer. Sudislava Pellet Company LLC has an international FSC certificate.

Industry type:

Sawing and planing of wood

TIN: 4427002409


Address: Russia, Kostroma region, Sudislavl village, st. Krasnooktyabrskaya, 1 , office/apartment 1


Phone number: +79038952932

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Company card created: 20.10.2021