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Business: Business for sale №32251

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Feb. 15, 2019, 9:21 a.m.Views: 1139 (stats)

City: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Organization name: show name and reputation

Type of business: woodworking

Price: 1,069,289.99 $

Sold production area in lodeynopolsky district, Leningrad region.
The site has an original, but convenient location on the banks of the river, occupies a total area of 308 721 sq. m.
Distance from site to highway of Federal importance with high intensity of transport flows (inbound in the European road E-105) is 750 metres away; from the administrative district center - 37.5 km, to the Eastern border of the city of St. Petersburg 175 km; nearest railway station — 6 km away there is a pier for the shipment of vessels with a displacement of 1,500 tons.
Category of land - lands of industry, energy, transport, communication, broadcasting, television, Informatics, lands for space activities, land defense, security and lands of other special purpose, resolved use: under industrial base.
At the manufacturing site, there are 15 buildings, of which:
- 11 one-story buildings used as shops, workshops, warehouses and boxes, 7 buildings equipped with cranes - one a four-storey office building (area 653,50 sq m, height 12.5 m),
- one two-storey building of the hotel (area 725,1 sq. m, a height of 6.68 m),
- 2 boiler house 1.2 and 0.8 MW (area 136,60 sq m, with a height of 9.90 m and 113,70 sq m, with a height of 7.70 m).
The sale is carried out by concluding agreements for the sale all together of land, real estate and other structures that are on the sites (substations, pumping station, water station, fuel storage, building security, etc.). All properties engineering provided in necessary and sufficient quantities for normal functioning. The 1260 KW electricity, running water, heating from boiler houses of 1.2 and 0.8 MW, the local sewage system (septic tanks with pumping), heating, boiler installation.
Due to the fact that there is a company, renting of forest areas and engaged in timber cutting, the platform can be used for production activities on wood processing, production of cottage houses, wood processing, manufacture of products of wood and cork, veneer sheets, plywood, boards and panels of modified wood.
Currently, the platform used by the company for wood processing, production of wood products.
The cost is 99 000 000 rubles.
Production site are for sale directly from the owner, legal clarity and security of transactions provides the legal firm "Logos".

Contact details: show contacts

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