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Planting material: Selling planting material №11511

Jan. 16, 2025, 8:01 a.m.Views: 5348 (stats)

City: Barnaul, Altai Krai, Russia.

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Organization name: show name and reputation

Species: Conifers:blue spruce

Age in years: 2

Number: 100000

Price per item: 0.27 $

Nursery conifers takes orders for wholesale deliveries of elite seedlings from 2 to 5 years.
Left : seedlings of blue spruce, canadian ,Siberian, black, Korean.The cassette container.
Seedlings of balsam fir.The cassette container.
Seedlings of pine, cedar, mountain.The cassette container.
Seedlings of European larch, Siberian, Japanese.The cassette container.
Seedlings of birch, oak, Linden, ash and other deciduous trees with MCS and ACS in bulk.

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