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Tools: Selling tools №11535

Aug. 20, 2024, 10:55 a.m.Views: 5944 (stats)

City: Kirov, Kirov region, Russia

Organization name: show name and reputation

Type: Other tools

Tool name: Proprably training tool for drinking

Price: 0.01 $

Convex anvil NIP
Flat Anvil NPP
The anvil is flat-convex NPPV
Hammer with round striker (main) MPO
Hammer with round striker (light) MPL
Hammer with oblique striker MPC
Hammer with oblique striker (light) MPCL
Hammer with cross striker MPP
Hammer with vertical striker (light) MPPL
Hammer with horizontal striker (light) MPPL
Straight LPP rulers from 100 to 1000 mm

The adjustable device is one-handed and two-handed

Divorce meters RP2, Kefer (Germany), new
Protractors 3URI, 5UM
End and radial saw runout meter

Textbook Yakunin Preparation of round saws for work
Stachiev Efficiency of flat circular saws
Manual for the preparation of band saws

In sets and separately

Contact details: show contacts

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