Equipment: Tubeless cassette racks for drying lumber №1738
Aug. 23, 2024, 8:27 a.m.Views: 3151 (stats)
City: Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia.
Organization name: Flexifit
Type: Drying equipment
Equipment name: Tubeless cassette racks for drying lumber
Price: 46.43 $
Own dryer - for every carpenter!
For fast and high-quality drying of wood, we offer tubeless Flexihit cassette dryers.
Main advantages:
•The ability to dry any volume of lumber, from one board to stacks.
•Design features allow you to organize drying both outdoors and indoors.
•The drying technology is simple and minimizes the influence of the human factor on the drying process.
•The ability to choose the drying mode based on the quality of the source material.
•Installation is simple and does not take much time.
•The quality of the drying of the forest meets all the necessary requirements.
•Energy efficiency. Electricity consumption during drying of 1 m3 of wood up to 6-7% humidity is 200 – 400 kWh
•Attractive price.
Contact details:
+7 (499) 709-79-04
+7 (383) 325-22-04, +7 (383) 266 41 04
+7 (38568) 2-02-75, +7 (38568) 2-45-04
Tech. consultations
Vitaly Alekseevich Samoilov.
+7 (923) 752-19-16
Site: http://сушилкалеса.рф/
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