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Wood construction: Selling wood houses №18160

Oct. 14, 2024, 8:02 a.m.Views: 3036 (stats)

City: Perm, Perm Krai, Russia

Organization name: show name and reputation

Product: The house

Material: Profiled beam

Wood species: Conifers:pine

Moisture content: The dry forest

Price per square meter: 260.22 $

Shaped beam from the manufacturer (cutting the bowls for the project). Section 190х140 and 140х140. Humidity to 25%. The shortest terms of manufacture. Production plant and sales office is situated: the Perm edge, Berezniki. Delivery to all regions of Russia transport company. We take care of all issues related to the construction of the house to ensure that our client get the best results, spending a minimum of your time and effort. The company operates in the market of wooden housing construction since 2000.

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