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Equipment: press for briquettes №1893

Dec. 19, 2024, 9:38 a.m.Views: 3138 (stats)

City: Marijampolė, Marijampolė County, Lithuania

Organization name: Granwood

Tax id: 11

Type: Equipment for wood wastes processing

Equipment name: press for briquettes

Price: 17,654.35 $

Offer press for production of fuel briquettes from waste
wood and straw

a) 500 - 800 kg/h for chips
b) 400 - 600 kg/h for chips

The line includes:
- briquetting press - 1 PC.;
- filling the tank with fuel charger - 1 PC.;
- guides briquette - 2 sets;
- remote control - 1 PC.

Technical description the line on manufacture of fuel briquettes
- used for the production of briquettes without using the binder
substances from wood wastes (chips, sawdust), as well as bread,
rapeseed straw and other wastes containing cellulose (waste
made of linen, cotton, and the like). The fraction of the raw materials used should
bear from 1 to 3 mm, and the moisture content 8-15%. Raw material can not be
polluted by such substances as oils, greases, paints, varnishes, and
mineral impurities such as sand and the like should not
to exceed 1.5% by weight.

The output briquette has a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 60 mm and
the minimum length of 30 mm. because of the nature of work of the extruder, that is
cyclic pushing through batches of raw material, the output briquette is himself
badly compressed segments from 4 to 6 mm. In this regard
it allowed the fissure between segments. The length of the briquette makes
from 30 to 300 mm. Energy that is released during combustion of the briquette depends on
the raw materials used and using biomass makes from 16 to 19.5

Technical data:
- capacity 800 kg/hour (depends on the type of raw materials used);
- briquette diameter 50 or 60 mm;
- power supply 400 V 50 Hz;
the motor drive 22 kW, 1430 rpm.min;
the fuel charger motor 1.1 kW, 1430 rpm.min;
- the auger drive motor 2x3 kW 1430 rpm.min.
is power pressure 0.1-0.7 MPa;
- capacity raw water tank 1,5m3;
- weight without raw tank is about 2200 kg;
- the mass of the extruder with the raw material tank is approximately 3000 kg.
- remote control 600x600x200 mm;
- guides the preform 8 PCs., length 1 PCs = 1.5 m;
- tank height 2,7 m (without cyclone);
- full length of the extruder together with guide 8.9 m;
- width 1.4 m.

If the client wishes slideway length can be longer up to 3M.

Contact details:
+3706527947/ +37065501043

Site: http://www.granwood.lt/


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