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Equipment: Laser cutting pointer LU-100 (RL-100) №19809

Jan. 24, 2025, 7:30 a.m.Views: 2688 (stats)

City: Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russia

Organization name: IE for Ruposov S. Yu.

TIN: 183312599117

Type: Other

Equipment name: Laser cutting pointer LU-100 (RL-100)

Price: 55.36 $


You can use a laser pointer in many areas where it is necessary to show a certain border or marking, but most often it is used on woodworking machines. The laser pointer shows the line of the future cut, thereby helping the machine operator to correctly set the workpiece or saw assembly.

1. Pass-through edge-cutting and multi-saw machines.
2. Positional edging machines (machines with a fixed workpiece).
3. Miter machines of all types, machines for milling crown bowls.
4. Marking tables and other devices for marking various parts.
5. Disk and band sawmills, log sawing machines.

Characteristics of the laser pointer LU-100 (RL-100):

Output power 100 MW
Wavelength 650 nM
Opening angle 110 gr.
Operating voltage 5.0 V
Operating temperature from - 10 to + 40
Line width 2 - 4 mm
Focus capability yes
Laser shape line
Line color red
Emitter dimensions 22*80 mm
Assembly weight 300 gr

Contact details:
Tel. +7(3412)472-427,

sot. +7 (950)-837-25-54


Vkontakte group: https://vk.com/laser18

Site: https://laser-18.ru/


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