Machines: Selling machines №22927
Jan. 13, 2025, 10:35 a.m.Views: 3278 (stats)
City: Kolomna, Moscow region, Russia
Organization name: TD VELES KOLOMNA
Type: Forestry equipment
Name: Forest rotary brushcutter K-1.7M
Year of manufacture: 2025
Price: 3,817.96 $
The forest rotary brushcutter is designed for mechanized cutting of woody vegetation in overgrown fields, along power lines, railways, forest edges. A brushcutter is more efficient and economical than a mulcher. Vegetation with a trunk diameter of up to 150 mm is cut off on the move without stopping. It is capable of cutting free-standing trees up to 200 mm thick. It works even in very difficult areas.
Technical specifications:
- Productivity up to 3 hectares per shift (at a speed of 5 km/h)
- It is aggregated with tractors with a capacity of 70 hp
. - The maximum diameter of the cut vegetation (free-standing trees) up to 20 cm
- Mechanical drive from the tractor PTO 1000 rpm
- The width of the grip is 1700 mm
- Equipment width 2000 mm
- Height (with protective screen) 2500 mm
- Equipment weight 520 kg
Contact details:
TD Veles Kolomna
+7(926) 274-26-49
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