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Roundwood: Selling roundwood №2455

Feb. 5, 2025, 9:51 a.m.Views: 11455 (stats)

City: Chudinovo, Novosibirsk region, Russia.

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Organization name: OOO "Maslyaninskiy Lespromkhoz"

Wood species: Deciduous:aspen

Diameter in centimeters: 16 - 40 cm.

Length in meters: 6 - 6 m.

Price per cubic meter: 7.31 $

The cost can vary depending on the quality of aspen in the direction of increasing. Diameters from 16 and above.
Can also sell aspen in the Bud. Bring our own equipment, crew and cook.

Contact details:

Site: http://www.masles.ru/


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