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Equipment: Laser cutting pointer GL-50 №24600

Jan. 24, 2025, 7:31 a.m.Views: 2372 (stats)

City: Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russia

Organization name: IE for Ruposov S. Yu.

TIN: 183312599117

Type: Other

Equipment name: Laser cutting pointer GL-50

Price: 78.29 $

The laser cutting pointer is installed for accurate marking of the workpiece or the movable unit of the machine.
The GL-50 laser cutting pointer has found its application on multi-saw machines, circular sawmills, band sawmills, cup-cutting machines, edge-cutting machines, miter machines, sheet bending machines, presses and in any other tasks where it is necessary to show a certain boundary.

The color of the line is green, the power is 50mW.
The green color (wavelength 532 nM) lies at the very peak of the spectral range of sensitivity of the human eye, so we see the line better.

Contact details:
Phone: +7(3412)472-427,

SOT. +7 (950)-837-25-54


Site: https://laser-18.ru/


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