Equipment: Sealer industrial to the gate of the drying chamber №25007
Feb. 12, 2025, 8:48 a.m.Views: 1821 (stats)
City: St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Russia
Organization name: Proftekh, OOO
Type: Other
Equipment name: Sealer industrial to the gate of the drying chamber
Price: 24.01 $
We offer you a heat-resistant silicone industrial sealer:
o for removable gates of drying chambers;
o for industrial cold storage doors;
o for powder paint polymerization chamber;
o for garage doors and industrial structures.
This sealer was specially developed by Finnish craftsmen and has a number of advantages:
o due to its different thickness, it does not form ice on its surface in winter;
o Temperature resistance from 100°C to 220°C;
o resistant to humidity;
o resistant to pressure and steam;
o high electrical insulation properties;
o high resistance to atmospheric influences, ultraviolet radiation, oxygen, ozone and water;
o designed for particularly large slots with a working gap from 15mm to 24mm.
Installation of the seal:
o is attached by an aluminum plate to the screws.
Contact details:
Svetlana Petrovna
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