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Equipment: Pneumatic actuator PBT063D №25411

Jan. 6, 2025, 4:46 a.m.Views: 1578 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia

Organization name: PGS

TIN: 7724331994

Type: Spare parts and accessories

Equipment name: Pneumatic actuator PBT063D

Price: 46.43 $

Pneumatic actuators double acting with torque from 14.6 Nm up to 47 PAT-63D - pneumatic rotary actuator (pneumatic) double-acting, has a rack and pinion design, the piston consisting of two parts, and the deflection limiter. The stroke limitation of the piston outer and inner, by up to ± 4 ° of rotation of the drive shaft positions of 90 ° and 0°, respectively. The drive has a simple design, reliable in operation and easy to handle. Has a service life of at least 2 million cycles. Rotary pneumatic actuators are used to control the opening or closing of ball valves and butterfly (butterfly), etc. operating environment - air (pressure: 1 -10 bar); not corrosive, inert gas. Operating temperature (for drives in the standard version) -40 to +80° C. Possible performance from -55 to +110° C.

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Site: http://pgs11.ru


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