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Wood construction: Selling wood houses №29355

Oct. 23, 2024, 7:38 p.m.Views: 4383 (stats)

City: Kostroma, Kostroma region, Russia.

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Product: House

Material: Profiled timber

Wood species: Conifers:pine

Moisture content: Natural

Price per square meter: 177.17 $

The construction company offers a full range of construction services for the construction of wooden houses, cottages, baths from:
- ordinary timber of natural humidity (150x150, 150x200, 200x200)
- profiled timber (145x145, 145x195, 195x195)
- chopped logs
- rounded logs
A wide selection of projects with prices, individual approach. We build according to individual and standard projects. Calculation of the cost of construction in a short time. Log cabins of any complexity from economy class to elite. We are building from the ecologically clean winter forest of the Kostroma region, there are our own logging sites and directly woodworking production. We work without intermediaries. When ordering the construction of a house or a bathhouse from us, we offer you prices from the manufacturer. We have a system of discounts and promotions are held periodically. You can offer your project, we will calculate the cost of construction. There is a wide selection of projects of houses and baths on our website. We have only Russian carpentry teams working for us.
If you have any questions related to the construction, then you can contact us in a convenient way for you. We will be glad if you choose our company as a developer.

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