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Equipment: Spare parts №30445

Dec. 1, 2024, 4:16 p.m.Views: 1579 (stats)

City: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Organization name: TIVOD

TIN: 7806299572

Type: Spare parts and accessories

Equipment name: Spare parts

Price: 10.44 $

Spare parts for circular sawing machines Laimet, Kara, Slidetec in stock and on order. Repair and adjustment of machines. After-sales service. Training.

Additional information can be obtained on our website and in our social media groups in

Contact details:
Phone numbers for communication +7 (812) 929-02-53, +7 (921) 912-64-17
Contact https://vk.com/tiswood
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/tiswood

Site: https://www.tiswood.ru


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