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Tools: Selling tools №30543

Dec. 30, 2024, 8:29 a.m.Views: 3981 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia

Organization name: Koronet, OOO

TIN: 7725305316

Type: Saws

Tool name: Stilet Band Saws

Price: 3.13 $

Stilet saws, welded into a ring, as well as in coils. The canvas is ready to work (hardened/sharpened/diluted).
Welding on the Ideal BAS machine.
Prices for saws:
- 35x0.9 250rub/meter
- 35x1.05 300rub/meter
- 35x0.9 300rub/meter
- 35x1.05 350rub/meter
Ring welding is included. Any size.
When ordering in bulk (in bays of 100 meters), the price is lower.
Pickup or send by transport companies of PEC, Business lines.

Contact details:
LLC koronet,
Moscow, 1st Vyazovsky proezd, 5.
e-mail: koronet.rf@mail.ru
Tel.+7 (977) 810-70-99, +7 (925) 511-15-69 www.коронет.рф

Site: http://коронет.рф


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