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Machines: Selling machines №3207

Jan. 22, 2025, 8:02 a.m.Views: 3708 (stats)

City: Perm, Perm Krai, Russia.

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Organization name: OOO "SAPSAN"

TIN: 5907047881

Type: Forestry equipment

Name: The crane MAYMAN-110S (MM-110S)

Year of manufacture: 2024

Price: 22,701.38 $

The crane MAYMAN-110S (MM-110S)
Load moment 110 kNm
Rotation angle 400 degrees.
Lifting capacity at min. reach (3 metres) – 3.5 t
Capacity at max. reach (7,8 m) of 1.45 t
Weight (without rotator and grapple) – 2 050 kg

Included with the crane is a box of spare parts, mounting kit, hydraulic pump.
Warranty - 18 months
The crane is made of high strength steel S500 with a tensile strength of 1.4 times the figure for steel 09G2S

Always in stock spare parts: columns, arrows, axis, bushings, liners, bearings, cylinders, rods, bushings, pistons, repair kits, thimbles, lugs, etc.

Contact details:
8(995)136-67-68, Roman

Site: http://www.sapsan59.ru/


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