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Job: Vacancy №34075

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June 26, 2019, 3:26 p.m.Views: 1058

City: Petrozavodsk, The Republic Of Karelia, Russia

Organization name: Senyavskiy machtopropitochny plant

Category: Experts on transport

Education: secondary special

Standing (years): from 3 years

Position: the driver of the truck with crane

Salary from: 0.01 $

Factory located in the village Padana medvezhyegorsky district, for the transport pillar of wood (9.5 m and 11 m) on the territory of Karelia is looking for the driver of the truck with crane. Payment is high.

Contact details:
Tel: 8 921 520 77 43 Igor.

Site: http://www.s-mpz.ru/


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