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Equipment: Band saw machines VESTO №36216

Nov. 28, 2023, 3:36 p.m.Views: 1360 (stats)

City: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Organization name: show name and reputation

Type: Sawmill equipment:sawmill

Equipment name: Band saw machines VESTO

Price: 1,168.70 $

Sawmill equipment VESTO from the official dealer

Band sawing and circular sawing machines VESTO will ensure the successful operation of the enterprise and excellent dimensional accuracy of sawn timber in the most different conditions. Depending on the wood species, the dimensions of the round timber and the desired performance of enterprises You can always choose the most effective layout option of the company based on time tested equipment!
The performance of single machines - from 30 cubic meters of logs per shift
The performance of the sawing lines to 240 cubic meters of logs per shift

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