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Equipment: M1022 Manual surface grinding machine №36466

Nov. 19, 2024, 3:20 p.m.Views: 1078 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia

Organization name: House Master LLC

TIN: 3128143978

Type: Other

Equipment name: M1022 Manual surface grinding machine

Price: 0.01 $

Machine M1022 is designed for finish machining in manual mode by a method of grinding ferrous metals and materials, amenable to abrasive machining.
• The machine base is cast from high quality cast iron with thick walls and reinforced ribs
The spindle relies on accurate bearings, set preload, allowing you to perform precise grinding operation
• Automatic lubrication system ensures sufficient lubrication of the screw and guides
• The highest possible standard makes extensive use of the capabilities of the machine
The appearance of the product may differ from the photos on the website. The discrepancy between the appearance and the completeness of the real item photos on the website is not an indication of inadequate quality of the goods.

Contact details:

Site: http://house-master.org/


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