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Equipment: TSK rotary table indexing Ø faceplate 100, 150, 200, 250, 320, 400 mm №36470

Nov. 19, 2024, 3:18 p.m.Views: 740 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia

Organization name: House Master LLC

TIN: 3128143978

Type: Other

Equipment name: TSK rotary table indexing Ø faceplate 100, 150, 200, 250, 320, 400 mm

Price: 0.01 $

Turntable controlled
• Faceplate diameter 100, 150, 200, 250, 320, 400 mm
• The drive is implemented with minimal backlash, which allows you to use the table for milling critical parts.
• The table is driven manually by the flywheel handle or mechanically from the machine drive;
• The material of manufacture of body parts and the rotary part is cast iron.
Specifications TSK100 TSK150 TSK200 TSK250 TSK320 TSK400
Faceplate diameter Ø110 Ø150 Ø200 Ø250 Ø320 Ø400
Hole Cone 2# 2# 3# 3# 4# 4#
A hole for installing a countertop — 25*6 30*6 30*6 40*6 40*6
T-shaped groove 12 12 12 12 14 14
Worm gear pair module — 1.5 1.75 2 2.5 3.5
Width of the positioning key 12 12 14 14 18 18
Distance between the corner groove 120° 90° 90° 60° 60° 60°
Gear ratio 1:72 1:90 1:90 1:90 1:90 1:90
Turn 360° 360° 360° 360° 360° 360°
Tilt of the table 0-90° 0-90° 0-90° 0-90° 0-90° 0-90°
Wheel flywheel scale value 1" 1〃 1〃 1〃 1〃 1〃
Minimum cursor indication 10" 10〃 10〃 10" 10〃 10〃

Minimum cursor tilt indication 2" 2〃 2〃 2〃 2〃 2〃
Indexing accuracy 80" 80〃 60" 60" 60" 60"
Horizontal stroke 40 100 150 200 250 300
Vertical stroke 20 50 75 100 125 150
Overall dimensions 210*150*140 425*380*300 492*423*306 650*430*330 630*490*395 830*600*460

Contact details:

Site: http://house-master.org/


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