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Machines: Selling machines №37993

July 23, 2024, 11:09 a.m.Views: 2310 (stats)

City: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Organization name: LLC "UST"

TIN: 7415104391

Type: Timber

Name: New Kamaz 43118 logging trucks with manipulators

Year of manufacture: 2024

Price: 176,862.24 $

You can buy a new logging truck on an all-wheel drive Kamaz 43118 chassis from the factory.
The cars are new, the year of manufacture is 2024. The
warranty for cars is 24 months or 100 thousand kilometers.
Kamaz-740.705 engine capacity 300 l/s,
Gearbox 154
Anti-lock system
Axle-to-axle and wheel-to-wheel bridge locking
The volume of fuel tanks is 560 liters
It is possible to mount any manipulator in 2024 on the chassis. VM10L74(Palfinger), PF81C(Primlift), OMTL-70.02,VC8L74(Palfinger). VM10L86(Velmash-Palfinger)
The logging site is equipped with a protective fence (the cone is rotatable, rigid, the height can be adjusted according to your request).
This equipment can be purchased on Lease
State subsidy 12.5%
Location Chelyabinsk region city of Miass.
For more information on the phone, call me and I will answer all your questions.

Contact details:
+7951-444-78-61 Love
Leasing is possible
Delivery in Russia


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