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Equipment: Tracks for Forwarder, Harvester №39588

May 30, 2024, 10:46 a.m.Views: 1435 (stats)

City: Petrozavodsk, The Republic Of Karelia, Russia

Organization name: Shovel-Trak (shovel-track)

TIN: Three hundred fifty billion three hundred one million six hundred forty three thousand five

Type: Spare parts and accessories

Equipment name: Tracks for Forwarder, Harvester

Price: 2,856.16 $

In the presence of the caterpillars and snow chains for wheeled forestry equipment Forwarder, Harvester, Skidder.
In stock new, rebuilt and used.

Contact details:
so 89210169000

Site: http://nekst-severo-zapad.tiu.ru


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