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Equipment: Reverse gear and the Pump-injectors for the engine yaz-204(206) №40241

Feb. 12, 2025, 10:35 a.m.Views: 1682 (stats)

City: Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russia.

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Organization name: Star

TIN: Five billion four hundred eight million three thousand eight hundred sixty four

Type: Spare parts and accessories

Equipment name: Reverse gear and the Pump-injectors for the engine yaz-204(206)

Price: 67.85 $

Reverse gear and nozzle pump AR-20 performs the functions of a high-pressure fuel pump and a nozzle for spraying fuel into fractions, designed for installation in the cylinder head of the YAAZ-204, YAAZ-206, YAAZ-M204, YAAZ-M204A, YAAZ-m204B, YAAZ-M204K, YAAZ-M206A engines, YAAZ-M206B, YAAZ-m206i. The pump-injectors of the AR-20AZ, AR-21 AZ and AP-23A3 models are used on various engine modifications. All three models are structurally similar and differ from each other only in the position of the cut-off edges of the plungers and the number of nozzle holes of the sprayers.

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