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Services: Offering services №40563

Jan. 14, 2025, 10:30 a.m.Views: 1431 (stats)

City: Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia

Organization name: Repair of hydraulics, OOO

TIN: Six billion six hundred seventy million three hundred sixty thousand one hundred fifty one

Type of service: Diagnosis of the hydraulic system of the excavator.

Cost: 137.32 $

Diagnostics of special equipment of well-known manufacturers. Our company will provide the service of on-site diagnostics of special equipment of well-known manufacturers. The price of diagnostics is fixed and negotiated with the customer immediately and is not subject to change. Additionally, we conduct bench testing of hydraulics at the stand. The customer receives a qualified response from an engineer on the spot and confirms it with an act of completed work.

Contact details:
Tel. +7 (343) 298-02-00.
Tel. +7 (343) 382-12-64.
628082 Yekaterinburg, 32 Lit. B. Chistaya str.

Site: http://hydraulics-service.ru


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