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Services: Offering services №40570

Feb. 16, 2025, 7:58 a.m.Views: 1522 (stats)

City: Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia

Organization name: Repair of hydraulics, OOO

TIN: Six billion six hundred seventy million three hundred sixty thousand one hundred fifty one

Type of service: Hydraulic pump A8VO107 repair tests on the stand.

Cost: 1,533.61 $

Performed repair and maintenance of hydraulic equipment from Bosch-Rexroth Germany. Our enterprise is equipped with equipment for repair and diagnostics of this equipment. On all work warranted 1 year or 1000мот.hours, profitable to work With us. Have any questions call us, we will tell you.

Contact details:
Tel. +7 (343) 298-02-00.
Tel. +7 (343) 382-12-64.
628082 Yekaterinburg, 32 Lit. B. Chistaya str.

Site: http://hydraulics-service.ru


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