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Machines: Selling machines №41417

Feb. 12, 2025, 10:31 a.m.Views: 1686 (stats)

City: Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk region, Russia.

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Organization name: Star

TIN: 5408003864

Type: Spare parts and accessories

Name: Tires VI-202(R-24) with discs for special equipment

Price: 387.55 $

Tires VI-202 and I-170 (1500/500-610 R-24)with camera, with or without discs
The ply rate is 24
Purpose of the tire 18.00-24: Scraper KZKT-74282, BelAZ with a lifting capacity of 30T, MAZ-543, MAZ-7310, tractor T-155, Hurricane

They are also suitable for liugong, SDLG, xcmg, xgma (for almost any 3- or 5-ton Chinese-made loader), for the Amkodor front loader instead of tires 21.3-24 on a collapsible disk.

In factory conditions, the tire and-170 18.00-24 (500-610mm) can be cut to the 25 radius of the disk (635mm), a 12mm layer of rubber is removed along the rim without violating the frame structure, after which the tire is installed on Belaz 30t equipment and Steel Will

Contact details:
+7-962-824-74-12, +7-923-700-25-77

Site: http://www.zvezda-s.ru


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