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Pellets / Briquettes / Chips: Selling pellets / briquettes / chips №46207

Jan. 18, 2025, 8:02 a.m.Views: 1923 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia.

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Type: Pellets

Price per ton: 96.67 $

We produce and sell wholesale fuel wood pellets (pellets) all year round.
Color -light and light gray softwood.
Packing - Big-Run - 1200

- Diameter 6 mm +/- 1 mm; 
- Length 3.15 ≤ L ≤ 55 (mm)
- Bulk density 600-750 kg / cubic meter
- Total humidity up to 10%
- Ash content up to 0.7%
- Sulfur content up to 0.02%
- Nitrogen content up to 0.3%
- Heat of combustion over 18 MJ. /kg
. - Fixative, binding materials – none
- Radioactivity is not allowed

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