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Machines: Selling machines №46274

July 4, 2024, 7:12 a.m.Views: 803 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia

Organization name: show name and reputation

Type: Tree-planting technique

Name: Automatic seedling lines for sowing seeds of forest trees

Year of manufacture: 2023

Price: 28,048.85 $

We will supply automatic seeding lines (seedling machines) to Russian customers under the order from China, according to the ruble-Chinese yuan system, for companies that own nurseries, seedling and reforestation farms. For growing seedlings of coniferous trees, two variants of lines of special width for the 385mm RCL81 cassette have been developed.

The capacity of the lines varies from 400 - 500 to 1000 - 1200 cassettes per hour.

The lines allow you to automatically sow seeds of various sizes, both small (spruce, pine) and large seeds, such as cedar seeds.

In addition to the lines themselves, we supply equipment for the preparation of soil and other mixtures for the subsequent filling of cassettes with seeds: peat briquettes unpackers, mixers of soil and other mixtures, conveyors and conveyor lines.
Operating instructions and Specifications in Russian.
For more information, please contact our representative

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