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Furniture: sale advertisement №46415

July 11, 2024, 7:27 a.m.Views: 1279 (stats)

City: Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Russia

Organization name: Lumber base on Blagoveshchenskaya (IP Senchurova)

Furniture type: for garden

Furniture name: Garden gazebo 2 by 3 m.

Style: modern

Material: solid pine

Have your own transport: нет

Supply volume (units): 1

Production date: 5

Price: 701.22 $

Hello! We present a gazebo of our own production for cottages, houses.
The set includes two benches and a table.
A great place to gather friendly companies.
Profiled sheet at the request of any color.
We also paint with an oil antiseptic (additional payment).
We will arrange delivery, installation.

Contact details:
Tel: 8-904-578-6885 Maria


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