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Selling chipboard boards 10 - 22 mm. in Gomel region Belarus №47629

July 29, 2024, 11:57 a.m.Views: 1379 (stats)

City: Gomel, Gomel region, Belarus.

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Type: Chipboard

Length: 2440 - 2800 mm

Width: 1830 - 2070 mm

Thickness: 10 - 22 mm

Price per item: 125 $

Strength and density of chipboard
The strength of the chipboard is determined by its belonging to one of two groups – P1 or P2. The P2 plates have a higher bending strength – 11 MPa versus 10 MPa for the P1 group. They are almost one and a half times more resistant to stratification. The density of sheets of both groups is 550 – 820 kg/m3.
One aspect of strength is the ability to hold fasteners. The screw, twisted into the plate layer, withstands the pulling load from 3.5 to 5.5 kg for each millimeter of length. When installed in the end face, the maximum force is less – 3.0—4.5 kg/mm.

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