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Selling Wood Mouldings: Lining in Kostroma region Russia №47867

March 26, 2024, 12:37 p.m.Views: 2378 (stats)

City: Makarev, Kostroma region, Russia.

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Organization name: show name and reputation

Type: Lining

Wood species: Conifers:pine

Moisture content: The dry forest

Price per meter: 0.25 $

Price per square meter: 3.01 $

Lining pine/spruce
Price: 23000 rub/m3
Humidity: from 8%
Grade AB:

We produce planed dry lumber (pine, lime) from the forest of our own harvesting. Full production cycle from roundwood harvesting to sawing and gouging. The planing of lumber is made on the Taiwanese BEAVER 620 machine.

- We will produce planed lumber according to the customer's specifications of various profiles and sizes.
- Monthly volume of 40-50 m3.
- The minimum volume of shipment is 10 m3.
- Delivery of lumber by motor transport by agreement
- We work on prepayment.

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