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Services: Offering services №48064

Feb. 16, 2024, 9:55 a.m.Views: 1297 (stats)

City: Kaluga, Kaluga region, Russia.

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Organization name: show name and reputation

Type of service: Customs clearance, certification, forwarding services

Cost: 0.01 $

Professional services in the field of international trade from anywhere in Russia.
- organization of transportation of goods by any means of transport.
- assistance in the preparation of transport and commercial documents.
- online support throughout the entire transportation route.
- customs declaration of your choice, under the seal of a customs representative or your EDS.
- submission of a declaration for goods to the authorized electronic declaration center and interaction with customs authorities before the release of goods.
- participation in customs inspection and inspection of goods.
- assistance in obtaining phytosanitary certificates.

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