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Selling Lumber: Edging:board in Kirov region Russia №48231

April 18, 2024, 9:01 a.m.Views: 2958 (stats)

City: Kirov, Kirov region, Russia.

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Organization name: Kronholz LLC

Type: Edging:board

Wood species: Conifers:spruce

Moisture content: The dry forest

Length in mm: 3000 - 6000

Width in mm: 75 - 225

Thickness in mm: 16 - 75

Price per cubic meter: 222.05 $

Our organization produces and sells softwood lumber:
Dry edged board, spruce, PINE
Humidity: 10-20% (on request)
Circular sawing
Grade 1-4, 5, domestic

Quality: GOST 26002-83 grade 1-4. 5; GOST 8486-86 grade 3-4.

Minimum lot 43-45m3 (1 truck), prepayment, delivery by road and railway containers

Contact details:
Sales Manager:

Site: https://kronholz.ru/


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