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Equipment: URBAN chopping machines №49324

Feb. 14, 2025, 9:54 a.m.Views: 747 (stats)

City: Pskov, Pskov region, Russia

Organization name: REP LLC

TIN: 6027115296

Type: Equipment for wood wastes processing

Equipment name: URBAN chopping machines

Price: 0.01 $

Urban chopping machines (Czech Republic).
Chopping machines are designed for processing any wood material with a diameter of up to 8 or up to 12 cm into fuel wood. Firewood with a fraction: from 6 to 13 cm (Model range URBAN 70) from 7 to 22 cm (Model range URBAN 100) are excellent for use as fuel in fuel boilers. The shredder is excellent for processing sawmill waste, humpback, trimmings, small woodlands, branches and twigs. The chopping machine is driven by: tractor models TR 70, TR 110, driven by an electric motor EM 70, EM 110 and driven by a gasoline engine SM 70, SMH 70 and SMV 70.
The output of firewood from the machine is possible in various ways: in two grids for firewood; in a Big Bag, as well as through output conveyor belts, 2.1, 2.6 or 4.1 m long in containers. Capacity 6-10 m3 of firewood per hour

Contact details:
tel. +7(911)359-28-29
e-mail: info@importstanki.ru

Site: http://importstanki.ru/


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