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Selling Wood Mouldings: Lining in Vologda region Russia №49807

Nov. 24, 2024, 8:40 a.m.Views: 1245 (stats)

City: Vologda, Vologda region, Russia.

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Organization name: LLC "RUSSIAN WOOD"

TIN: 3525362920

Type: Lining

Wood species: Coniferous:spruce

Moisture content: The dry forest

Price per meter: не указана

Price per square meter: не указана

Price per cubic meter: 339.89 $

We offer clapboard from the Northern Forest for wholesale.

Name: Sheathing board “in the groove and comb”;
Volume: from 40 m/3;
Breed: Spruce;
Humidity: 14-16%;
Grade: (AB);
Cross sections (mm): 12.5 x 96;
Length (mm): 3000;

Other sizes and profiles are available on request.

Contact details:
Phone: +79217165156
Email: zakaz@RusDrev.ru

Site: http://www.РусскаяДревесина.рф


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