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Selling Lumber: Edged:board in Kostroma region Russia №49878

Nov. 2, 2024, 9:55 a.m.Views: 1907 (stats)

City: Kostroma, Kostroma region, Russia.

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Type: Edged:board

Wood species: Deciduous:birch

Moisture content: Dried

Length in mm: 1400 - 2720

Width in mm: 40 - 250

Thickness in mm: 15 - 25

Price per cubic meter: 126.94 $

Birch board
SAWN TIMBER BIRCH (SAWN TIMBER DECIDUOUS EDGING (edged, not planed, sawn longitudinally). Wood-natural surface without bark (debarked)
(Betula SPP)

Price: 13,000 rubles.

Humidity: chamber drying, disinfection
Grade A, B, C, D:
Dimensions: length 1400 - 2720 mm,
thickness. 15- 25 mm,
width 40 - 250 mm
Circular sawing
packaging – in bundles / bags

Delivery by rail, sea transport
The minimum batch is 1 container,
Payment by agreement

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