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Services: Offering services №50098

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Oct. 16, 2024, 12:11 p.m.Views: 622 (stats)

City: Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia

Organization name: HYDRAULIC REPAIR LLC

TIN: 6670360151

Type of service: Repair of the hydraulic distributor.

Cost: 0.01 $

The Repair-Hydraulics service company performs repair work on components and assemblies, in particular, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motors, hydraulic distributors from Russian and foreign manufacturers. Over the years, we have gained a lot of experience, which gives us the right to speak with confidence about the experience of our employees in this field. The warranty for the work is 1 year or 500 moto/hours. All the parts that were rejected during the defect are delivered to the customer during the shipment of the finished unit or unit.

Contact details:
address: Yekaterinburg, 32 Chistaya str.
Phone: +7(343)298-02-00

Site: https://service-hydraulics.clients.site/


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