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Equipment: HBS Bark Shredder №50252

Jan. 28, 2024, 12:56 p.m.Views: 594 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia

Organization name: Ecoprom LLC

TIN: 5258127579

Type: Equipment for wood wastes processing

Equipment name: HBS Bark Shredder

Price: 60.88 $

A specialized crusher (chopping machine) for crushing wood chips (bark, etc.) Shredder is for sale. HBS series (Sweden). Model 840-44 EU. Brand new. Made in Sweden.
Capacity: 45-75 m3/hour
The diameter of the rotor is 600 mm
Electric motor power 55 kW
Dimensions of the receiving window: 840 x 670 mm
Damping shock absorber - spring
Number of chopping knives: 24 pcs.
Number of additional counterknives - 4 pcs
Speed: 1040 rpm
Dimensions: 2680x1585x1170 mm
Weight: 1350 kg
I haven't been at work for a single hour. I didn't connect. Brand new. In the package.
HBS are used for crushing the most complex type of waste – tree bark, obtained mainly after debarking machines of any type. This type of waste is distinguished by high humidity, heterogeneous and long fraction in the form of "belts" and the inclusion of foreign elements such as stones, metal, sand, etc. When disposing of the bark after the hams, it is necessary to grind it to a minimum fraction for further trouble-free combustion in boiler rooms.

Contact details:
Nizhny Novgorod
e-mail: 2290404@mail.ru


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