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Pellets / Briquettes / Chips: Selling pellets / briquettes / chips №50994

Jan. 21, 2025, 11:26 a.m.Views: 1598 (stats)

Region: Arkhangelsk region, Russia

Organization name: ULK Group of Companies LLC

Type: Pellets

Price per ton: 26.10 $

Fuel pellets of selected export quality are produced at the plants of the ULK Group of Companies in the Arkhangelsk region. The granules have a light yellow color, the raw materials for their production are sawdust and wood chips coming from sawmills. The products are manufactured in accordance with international requirements, have technical specifications and certificates, which allows you to sell fuel pellets both in Russia and for export.

Technical specifications
EN Plus – A1 quality
Raw materials spruce/pine
Diameter of 6 and 8 mm
Length up to 40mm
Humidity up to10%
Ash content 0.3%
Bulk weight over 600kg/m3
Calorific value of more than 17.0 MJ/k

Contact details:
Маскалёва Мария
+7 919 434 56 67 (WhatsApp)

Адрес: Архангельская область, Устьянский завод, Костылево, ГК УЛК
61.081753, 43.260460 https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CCU6RLXEWC


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Пеллеты УЛК.pdf

UTIC Group Pellets.pdf

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