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Selling Wood Mouldings: Lining in Moscow region Russia №51133

Feb. 7, 2025, 9:55 a.m.Views: 1896 (stats)

City: Volokolamsk, Moscow region, Russia.

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Organization name: Strela LLC

Type: Lining

Wood species: Coniferous:spruce

Moisture content: The dry forest

Price per meter: 0.44 $

Price per square meter: 4.57 $

Price per cubic meter: 257.97 $

Wood type: pine, spruce

2,0 2,1 2,4 2,5 2,7 3,0 3,6 4,0 m

Price per sq.m. –
Extra(pine without knots) 780 r/m2
Grade A 498 p
Grade B 443 p
Grade AB 470 r
Grade C and contractual With 25,000 r/m3

Grade AB length 6 m Price 35,000 r/m3

We are ready to offer you non-standard lengths of 500 rubles./m2

Our company manufactures and sorts the lining according to the German industrial standard DIN. We are ready to offer you non-standard lengths
500 rubles/m2.
The main types of products are clapboard, block house, imitation timber, wooden floors, bar and rail made of pine and spruce.

Contact details:
Please inform us that you have seen information about the product on the portal Lesnoy Resurs.rf

📫 e-mail: strela@woodresource.ru
📱 Phone/WhatsApp: +79166190302 Sergey Ivanovich
+79262223461 Oleg Yurievich

Site: http://smartwood.pro/


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