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Equipment: woodworking №51161

Jan. 9, 2025, 8:07 a.m.Views: 269 (stats)

City: Maykop, The Republic Of Adygea, Russia

Organization name: TMD LLC

Type: Woodworking equipment:four-sided machines

Equipment name: woodworking

Price: 0.01 $

I urgently sell new machines in full packaging, purchased from an official distributor (a ready-made line for the production of floor coverings, including engineering boards) for a woodworking enterprise. 1. Format cutting machine mod: FL- 3200F. 2. The stud-cutting machine QUADRO 3820D. 3.Four-sided longitudinal milling machine mod: QUADRO 418i 4. Frame saw machine QUADRO FR-20-25. 5. Calibration grinding machine mod: SR-RP 700. 6. Hydraulic press for gluing. 7. Automatic grinding machine mod:GR-MC630. We are ready to discuss your suggestions

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