Furniture: sale advertisement №51278
Feb. 13, 2025, 12:34 p.m.Views: 455 (stats)
City: Lyubertsy, Moscow region, Russia
Organization name: Metal Beds LLC
Furniture type: medical
Furniture name: Metal beds for maternity hospitals
Style: other
Material: metal
Have your own transport: нет
Price: 15.50 $
Metal beds wholesale from the manufacturer is a worthy offer from a Moscow manufacturing company. The products are manufactured exclusively from certified materials, so cheap Metal Beds are absolutely harmless even for children and allergy sufferers.
We have a lot of beds in our arsenal, differing in the shape of the backs and the type of nets.
For those who are not satisfied with the classic colors of the beds, we will please you with a full palette of colors from which you will choose your preferred color.
We are used to working quickly and efficiently, and this makes us competitive.
You can buy metal beds wholesale from 10 pieces from us:
• Metal army beds
• Single-tier metal beds
• 2-tier metal beds
• 3-tier metal beds
• Beds with metal nets and chipboard backs
We also took care of the rest of the interior, so we produce:
• Metal and chipboard cabinets
• Cabinets and hangers
• Tables, chairs and stools
In addition to the beds, we offer bedding of our own production.
Contact us and we will collect the order with delivery in Russia, in the cities of Kazakhstan and Belarus.
Contact details:
+7 926 786 44 45
+7 926 875 47 01
+7 495 055 15 25
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