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Roundwood: Selling roundwood №51381

Oct. 3, 2024, 9:45 a.m.Views: 395 (stats)

City: Voronezh, Voronezh region, Russia

Organization name: show name and reputation

Wood species: Deciduous:ash

Diameter in centimeters: 25 - 80 cm.

Length in meters: 3 - 12 m.

Price per cubic meter: 68.35 $

I sell round ash deadwood. 1,2,3 grade
Grade 1 - 10000 rubles
Grade 2 - 7000 rubles
Grade 3 - 5000 rubles
Diameter from 25 to 80 cm
We work cash / cashless, the FOREST of the Unified State Register.
Own logging. Prices are valid until the end of October 2024

Contact details: show contacts

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