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Pellets / Briquettes / Chips: Selling pellets / briquettes / chips №51421

Feb. 12, 2025, 1:53 p.m.Views: 1386 (stats)

City: Velsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia

Organization name: ULK Group of Companies LLC

Type: Chips

Price per ton: 31.31 $

The annual production volume of wood chips is 540,000 m3. Type:Pine,spruce
The price per 1 m3 on the territory of the plant is 1,400rubles without VAT.

Contact details:
, Please let us know that you have seen the product information on the portal Lesnoy Resurs.rf

Maskaleva Maria
+7 919 434 56 67 (WhatsApp)

Address: Arkhangelsk region, Ustyansky Zavod, Kostylevo, ULK Group
61.081753, 43.260460 https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CCU6RLXEWC

Site: https://woodresource.com/company/1167/


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