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Equipment: Knives for woodworking №51480

Oct. 22, 2024, 3:39 p.m.Views: 136 (stats)

City: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Organization name: ODIS LLC

Type: Spare parts and accessories

Equipment name: Knives for woodworking

Price: 768.97 $

Hello. We carry out complex deliveries of components for industrial equipment.
1. Hydraulic components: Hydraulic motors, hydraulic valves / hydraulic valves, hydraulic pumps (Hagglunds, Bosch Rexroth, Parker, Eaton, Atos, etc.).
2. Automation elements: servos, position sensors and modules (SICK, SIEMENS, Schneider Electric, Microsonic, etc.)
3. Magnetostrictive linear motion sensors.
4. We supply knives for woodworking (peeling, debarking, chip/crushing, planing, etc.), and for cutting paper (guillotine, poppet, counterknives, etc.), with carbide inserts (bimetal) and solid cast.
5. Circular saws with a diameter of up to 800 mm.
6. Solid-cast and pneumatic tires for loaders and loaders (Fuchs, Liebherr, Atlas, Sennebogen, etc.).
We have been working since 2007.
If there are relevant options, I suggest calculating the cost, we will make a commercial offer.

Contact details:
Sergey Egorov
Sales Department Manager
+79819760834 (Whatsapp)

Site: http://odis.su


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