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Equipment: MUMT Q/hmj01-2016 №51658

Feb. 5, 2025, 9:04 a.m.Views: 172 (stats)

Region: Kemerovo region, Russia

Organization name: Siberian Resource LLC

TIN: 4246022467

Type: Sawmill equipment:multirip saws

Equipment name: MUMT Q/hmj01-2016

Price: 7,202.32 $

For sale HIGH-SPEED, HIGH-PERFORMANCE 4-x vertical circular sawmill MUMT Q/hmj01-2016. (Analog MTJ50)
It is designed to work in combination with a movement mechanism (cart) along the saws and obtain edged and uncut material with a thickness of the cut layer from 15 mm to 50 mm.

"It is possible to exchange for a thin gauge (needles) or birch."

Features of the Chinese vertical circular sawmill MUMT Q/hmj01-2016
The saw blades are driven by 2 electric motors with a capacity of 22 and 30 kW. The power of the cart drive is 4.1 kW. The feed rate of the cart is 12 m/min. The cutting tool is a 500 and 650 mm saw. The length of the rail track is 12000 mm, for logs up to 4000 mm.(The frame can be extended up to 6000 mm). The minimum length of the log is 1000 mm. The weight of the machine is 3200 kg together with the cart. The diameter of the processed logs is from 140 mm to 500 mm. The minimum thickness of the last board is 20 mm.

It was in operation for about three months.
We will give you 2 LIVE spare discs as a gift.
We will also make free loading and delivery within a radius of 250 km.
Bargaining is welcome
We will help you with the registration of leasing.

Screenshots of the price and video of the work (analog MTJ50) will be added below for comparison.

a short video in the MUMT Q/HMJ01-2016 announcement itself

A link to the work of the MTJ50 analog to understand the principle of operation of the sawmill.

rs. "It is possible to exchange for a thin gauge (needles) or birch."

Contact details:
+79059655955 Stanislav


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